Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, grace & peace readers! It has been a beautiful, relaxing first week of June! I started out the week doing some curriculum work at school--it was one of those things that took a lot of brain power, but I was SO glad to have the time to get some stuff ready for next school year. So! Here are some of my favorites from the week!

1. My favorite thing to do is change up decor--for the seasons, or just because! The clock in our living room has always been hung above a doorway, and although it looked great, we couldn't read it! So we moved the clock over the TV! I love it in this spot--and I can read it, so that's a bonus! :)

2. Because we moved the clock, we had an empty space that needed filling! So, my favorite thing to do is go to Hobby Lobby! I knew I wanted something architectural, something chippy, and something that had a unique space. I found this piece (along with several other options), and I think we have a winner! (I searched and searched and couldn't find the link! Sorry!!)

3. The garden is my favorite!!! One of our pepper plants had this little guy already growing! We went a head a picked it so the plant could keep growing strong!

4. Josh is my favorite. That is all! ;)

5. Birthday month is my FAVORITE!!! I'm just one of those people who loves their birthday!!! Josh and my birthdays are less than a week apart, so we decided to get each other planters for either side of our garage door! I love them, and I can't wait for the flowers to start tumbling out! 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

grace & peace

As always, check out Andrea over at blog is one of my favorites! :)


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