Guest Blogger Connie Wolfe: The Wolfe Family Garden

My mom, Connie, is here to talk a little about her garden and to continue the spirit of Garden Week here on my blog! It's such an exciting time of growth and new life, why not celebrate?! Take a look at the Wolfe Family Garden and the fun changes it's seeing this year!

I have had a vegetable garden since I was married 36 years ago, starting my 37th this year, but there may have been a couple of years in there that I missed. 

 circa 1995

My gardens are always started with planning and excitement and haven’t always ended well. Some years, so overgrown with weeds it was hard to find the vegetables!

My husband is always willing to help me get started and I’m so grateful. I love to freeze and can my produce and I’ve learned so much over the years. 

I tried my hand at raised beds when I was given some old barn wood. I have found this works the best for me as I can keep the weeds under better control. I also have a son who is a professional landscaper who helps me weed. 

My favorite part of my garden is the gate that my dear friend Heike from Three Doors North made. She is such a talented artist. I’ve battled bunnies and have tried many different fences to keep them out. 

My first go with raised beds was fun, but I made them too wide (4 feet) and the wood didn’t last very long. 
My husband made me 3 new beds for Mother’s Day this year to replace the 2 and I can’t wait to get started. We used galvanized tin so they shouldn’t rot so fast and only 3 feet wide this time. Longer and narrower. 

I’m using heritage seeds from Seed Savers Exchange Heirloom Seeds in Decorah, Iowa and partnering my vegetables together with help from the book “Carrots love Tomatoes”.  Needless to say my excitement is through the roof this year!!

Due to the massive flooding Nebraska experienced in March, our town is under a water restriction until possibly September. Our water treatment plant is still underwater. We were told we couldn't water our lawns and needed to cut our water usage by a third. We are installing 3 60 gallon rain barrels to keep my flowers and vegetable gardens watered. We are enjoying learning about and using these barrels this year. An added fun garden experience!

Take a look at my mom's awesome container herb garden complete with Grace & Peace garden stakes!!

It's so fun to watch these gardens grow! Happy Garden Week, everyone!

grace & peace


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