Breeze Valley Garden--What We're Sowing

Vegetable Garden

1. Tomatoes
We will put in about 10 tomato plants. We did the same amount last year, and we had plenty for canning tomato juice, salsa, freezing marinara, and freezing chopped tomatoes. Plus a couple extra for fresh BLTs!

2. Green Peppers
I had a bumper crop of green peppers last year for whatever reason! I'll be putting in the same amount which was about 8 plants. I loved being able to chop up and freeze tons of bags of peppers that I've been using all winter, but I also loved using them fresh for salads, stuffed peppers, or relish trays.

3. Onions
We only planted one row of onions last year, and we will definitely be putting in more! Maybe 2 or 3 rows of onions. I love chopping these up and freezing them.

4. Green Beans
We put in a half of a row of green beans, and I think we will do a full row this year. These are great to have in the freezer for a quick side dish.

5. Spinach/Lettuce
Having spinach and lettuce gives you something fresh to eat pretty early in the season! We just planted half a row of lettuce and spinach last year, and we will probably do the same this year.

6. Cucumbers
Last year we did two hills of cucumbers, and they didn't do very well. I think we will just do one hill this year and see how it goes. I don't put up any cucumbers, so we only eat what we can during the summer.

7. Zucchini
We did two hills of zucchini last year, and we got soooooo many. We will just do one hill this year. I'll grate it up and freeze it in bags to use throughout the winter.

8. Last year, we tried to plant peas and garlic--those didn't do very well. We also planted two hot pepper plants. These did extremely well, and we will have hot peppers in the freezer for a very long time. We won't be planting any of those this year.

Our "allotment" is at my in laws place back home, but we do have a small container herb garden at our duplex. Last year I just did Rosemary, Basil, and Cilantro. Here's my list for this year:

1. Rosemary

2. Basil

3. Cilantro

4. Thyme

5. Chives

I can't WAIT to put in our plants and get everything growing! In my mind, there are so many reasons to love gardening--the preparation, sowing seeds, and watching God's creation in action!

I'd love to hear about your garden plans, too! Write a comment here, on my Breeze Valley Facebook post, or on Instagram! Tag me in pictures of your garden, or use the hashtag #graceandpeaceblog! I'd love to see what you've planted!

grace & peace

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  1. Looks awesome, Mairin. Mine will look similar, minus zucchini and add carrots. Can’t wait and I have new garden boots to boot!!!! ��


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